Have your say

In North Lincolnshire the views of children, young people, parents and carers are truly valued. The council and its partners are committed to working together to ensure that ‘nothing about you is without you’. And that children, young people with SEND and their parents and carers are at the centre of all that we do.

Through the One Family Approach, we are committed to engaging with children, young people, parents and carers at an individual, service and strategic level.

  • Individual – children and young people are involved in decisions that affect their lives (including assessments, plans and reviews).
  • Service – children and young people have an opportunity to feedback on services and are consulted upon service changes (including service review and service redesign).
  • Strategic – information gathered from individual and service level engagement is fed into priority setting, strategies and plans. And children and young people are supported and encouraged to get involved in things that matter to them.

Education, Health and Care Plan Survey

If you would like to share your feedback on the Education, Health and Care Plan process you can do so via the survey links below:

Education, Health and Care Needs Assessment Survey

If you would like to share your feedback on the Education, Health and Care Needs Assessment process, please complete our short survey.

Engagement with Parents and Carers

The North Lincs Parent Forum, plays two important roles:

  1. Ensuring that parents and carers are involved at a strategic level.
  2. Ensuring that there is outreach and communication with the wider group of parents and carers within North Lincolnshire.
Last modified: February 20, 2024