What is the North Lincolnshire SEND Local Offer?
The Local Offer is a way to make it easier for you to find out about services available to children and young people from birth to 25 with special educational needs and disabilities.
What does the Local Offer provide?
Our Local Offer provides up to date information about available provision in North Lincolnshire and how to access it.
The provision is responsive to local needs and aspirations. It has been co-produced with our local North Lincs Parent Forum as well as taking on board feedback we have received from parents and carers and young people themselves.
We have tried to make documents on our website as accessible as possible. If you require a different format, please contact us. You can read our Accessibility Statement on our website.
The purpose of the website is to provide information across education, health and care, as well as a range of other areas such as:
- Childcare
- Early years
- Education Health and Care plans (EHC) and other assessments such as SEN Support
- Information, advice and support for families
- Financial support
- Leisure
- Transport
- Moving into adult life, including work and housing
We have taken on board feedback received so far so that this website is easy to use. We have made changes so that North Lincolnshire’s Local Offer website provides tailored information for children and young people, parents and carers, and professionals. In addition, the support and provision that is available has been grouped into the following age phases as shared with us through feedback.
- Early Years 0-5 year olds
- Primary 5-11 year olds
- Secondary 11-16 years old
- Young Adults 16-25 years old
Within each of these age phases, further information is grouped under the following headings:
- Education, including Childcare and Family Hubs for the Early Years age phase
- Health
- Care
- Getting Around
- Activities
- Preparing for Adulthood
The information we provide covers early years settings, schools, colleges, care and health services. Early years settings, schools and colleges provide their own Local Offer, and give more detailed information on the way they support pupils with SEND. This information is provided on the relevant pages for each school and college as part of this Local Offer website, including direct links to their SEN Information Report on their websites.
The Local Offer:
- makes it easier to find out what you need to know
- helps you to find the most suitable services
- helps you to ask the right questions
- helps you to provide feedback about what is needed
- helps you to raise concerns, resolve disagreements, or make a complaint.
We have been consulting with a wide range of people to prepare and to further shape and refine our Local Offer. We know that the Local Offer has evolved and changed over time to meet the needs of our local communities.
To ensure that North Lincolnshire’s Local Offer continues to meet the needs of children, young people, their families and organisations with an interest in Special Educational Needs and Disability, we want to hear what you think about the Local Offer.
Tell us how easy you think it is to use, and if you have any comments on the content of the information included, please complete our Local Offer survey. The information you provide us with will help us to develop and improve the Local Offer for you in the future.
Alternatively you may wish to forward your suggestions or comments directly. If so, please contact us on special.needssection@northlincs.gov.uk or provide feedback by rating our website and providing comments should you wish to.
We regularly hold consultation events, many of which are co-produced with our local PIP Forum. In addition to publicising these events to parents and carers, either directly by or through schools, we also publicise these events on this website. Please do join us as your feedback is important to us.
Every year we gather feedback and outline the consultation activities that have taken place in relation to the Local Offer. We publish these as annual reports on the Local Offer ‘You Said, We Did’.
We know that many families need information on the Local Offer of neighbouring authorities, especially if they need to access provision that is not available locally. Details of our neighbouring authorities are:
For those who do not have access to the internet, the SEND team can:
- print out pages from the Local Offer
- talk through the information by telephone
- talk through the information at face-to-face meetings
Email: special.needssection@northlincs.gov.uk
Tel: 01724 297148
What is the SEND local Offer?
This video was produced by the Council for Disabled Children and the Department for Education and gives more information on the Local Offer.
The video above uses sign language to explain about the Local Offer and was produced by the NCDS.
Neighbouring authorities
We know that many families need information on the Local Offer of neighbouring authorities, especially if they need to access provision that is not available locally. Details of our neighbouring authorities are: