Where can I find Independent Help and Support?
This section provides details of services that can provide independent help and support both locally in North Lincolnshire and beyond.
Organisations that provide information and advice about SEND
Organisations that provide information and advice about SEND include:
1. Contact.org.uk – For families with disabled children (Previously Contact a Family)
SEN National Advice Service Helpline: 0808 808 3555
2. Independent Parental Special Education Advice (IPSEA)
General Advice Line: 0800 018 4016
North Lincolnshire’s North Lincs Parent Forum is made up of a dedicated group of parents who have children with special educational needs and/or disabilities.
They undertake a range of roles including:
- Act as forum for the views of parents and carers of disabled children and those with special needs
- Made up of parents and carers who know on a practical daily basis just how challenging caring for a child with special educational needs and disability is
- Represent your views on Forums and as part of consultation processes to shape local services
- Hold an annual conference to give feedback and report on what has been achieved the previous year
In addition, they offer coffee mornings usually from 10am to 11.30am in a wide range of venues in North Lincolnshire. Keep an eye on their website and social media for up to date details. Dates subject to change.
You can contact PIP Forum on 0845 3889944, by email: info@nlpf.co.uk
Twitter: @pipforum
The Carers’ Support Centre is available to help carers who care for someone living in North Lincolnshire. They have a range of services to support carers and you can find lots of useful information on their website. The Carer’s Support Centre provides some of the functions previously provided by Kaleidoscope.
The word ‘carer’ is used for people who provide unpaid care as opposed to those who are paid, such as care workers, personal assistants and home helps.
Parent Carers provide or intend to provide support to a child under the age of 18 who has a disability and/or additional needs.
The Carers’ Support Service works with Carers, enabling them to:
- access information and advice
- assess their financial situation
- work through difficult emotions
- have time to themselves
- socialise with peers
- have a voice
- access learning and training opportunities
- care with confidence
- access support in the community.
Further information on the support for the above areas is available on the Carers’ Support website.
They also offer a range of Carer Peer Support Groups. These groups can offer the empathetic support that only another carer can give. There are a number of groups that focus on Parent Carers. Further details of groups and times of meetings are available on their website
You will be made very welcome at these support groups. For more information, please contact the Carers’ Support Service on 01652 650585 or info@carerssupportcentre.com
The Carers’ Support Centre is based at:
11 Redcombe Lane
DN20 8AU
Tel: 01652 650585
If you would like to access Independent Support you can contact:
Special Educational Needs and Disability, Information, Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS)
Church Square House
30-40 High Street
North Lincolnshire
DN15 6NL
Tel: 01724 277665
Email: help@nlsendiass.org.uk
Twitter – @NLSendiass
Useful Links
- Resolving disagreements, mediation and complaints
- Children and young people booklet – SEND When People Can’t Agree