School Transport Service
Getting around-NL Getting around –NL Getting around-NL
If your child is between four and 16-years-old, they may be entitled to free home to school transport, particularly if they attend their local or catchment school. If your child is not entitled to free school transport you may be able to purchase a seat for them to travel on the school bus.You can find out more about the home to school transport policy , and how to apply, by reading the home to school transport policy for pupils of statutory school age . If your child has a statement of special education needs or Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plan, and is not able to walk to school or to travel on the school bus, they may be entitled to free school transport even though you live within walking distance or your child is not attending their local school. The policy is set out in the home to school transport policy for pupils with special educational needs .We expect pupils travelling on school transport to behave well and treat the bus driver with respect. We have drawn up a code of conduct setting out the standard of behaviour we expect, the support we look for from parents and the action that may be taken if children behave badly. You can read this in the code of conduct for safe behaviour on school buses .Parents are responsible for the behaviour, health, safety and welfare of their children whilst they are waiting at the bus stop. When the transport is late or doesn't arrive at all, parents must decide what to do and the advice to give to their child.Guidance for parents is available . arer and transport costs no morePersonal eligibi
Brigg & District
Hewson House
Station Road
North Lincolnshire
DN20 8XJ
Phone 01724 297 218
Opening Times Monday to Thursday: 8:30am - 5pm and Friday: 8:30am - 4:30pm.