Young Carer
What is a young carer?
A young carer is a person under 18 years old who regularly cares for a family member with:
- a physical disability
- mental health problem
- drug or alcohol problem
Their day-to-day responsibilities might include:
- cooking
- cleaning
- nursing
- personal care
- shopping
- childcare for siblings
- giving emotional support to the adult they care for
Children are often very happy to help their parent or family member and it can be very positive. However, children also have the right to be looked after, and to have their own time to play, develop and learn.
We aim to reduce the most negative effects that some young carers experience. We recognise that those young carers who are well adapted to their caring role may also benefit from support and time out.
Caring (whether young or old) can carry a cost in terms of:
- emotional stress
- financial pressure
- damaging relationships
- experiencing social isolation
We may carry out a Referral if the level of care giving and responsibility to the person in need of care significantly affects the young person in any way.
What can we provide?
An assessment of the young person’s needs in relation to the care they provide:
- help to find the right support for the young carer and their family
- group activities and opportunities to have a break from caring
- Support to make new friendships and relationships
- transitional planning and education advice for parents about what moving from children’s service to adult care support involves
- monetary benefits for the young person and their family
- support in moving from school into work
- supported Housing
- we work with schools, colleges and other agencies to raise awareness about young people and young carers, including how to identify and support them effectively.
Meeting a new team
Preparing for adulthood will mean a young person may start seeing a different team. This may cause anxiety for a young person as the teams they know and are used to working with, change. Therefore, it is important everyone involved understands the process, and feels supported and prepared to try to ensure that changes are as smooth as possible. There should be a detailed exchange of information between the teams.
What is a young carer? Video created by a young carer.
Further Information
Contact Us
Wellbeing and Young Carers Team
Church Square House
30-40 High Street
North Lincolnshire
DN15 6NL
Tel: 01724 296679