Complex Behaviour Team
Care Care Care Care

The North Lincolnshire Complex Behaviour Team provides advice and support for parents and carers of a child who has a learning disability and / or Autism, who shows challenging behaviour within the home and lives within North Lincolnshire.
Our aim:
To provide support and advice for parents and carers of children with complex needs where behaviour within the home can be challenging to manage.
To enable identified families to feel empowered to implement behaviour changes that will improve outcomes, build confidence, enable self-help, and contribute to them being safe, well, prosperous and connected.
Work with other professionals to ensure children/young people with complex needs are kept within their family and communities as appropriate.
All children can behave in ways that are difficult to deal with and are generally linked to a childs stage of development and communication. For children with Learning Disabilities or Autism, this behaviour can be more challenging, and parents/carers may require specialist advice.
Often, challenging behaviour is a result of frustration or anxiety. Adults may find this a challenge to understand and manage.
We support parents and carers to understand their childs behaviour. We do this by seeking to identify what the child is trying to communicate through their behaviour and identifying ways to manage these which may involve changing responses and strengthening connections.
We work closely with a range of professionals and services.
Scunthorpe South
Side by Side
Enderby Road
North Lincolnshire
DN17 2JL
Phone 01724 296679
Opening Times Monday to Thursday: 9am - 5pm
Friday: 9am - 4.30pm