Early Years SEND and Inclusion Handbook

About the handbook

This handbook supports providers delivering the Early Years Foundation Stage within the private, voluntary, and independent sector, as well as practitioners within maintained school (particularly those working with children of nursery age).

Practitioners working with reception aged children will find much of the information within the early years handbook useful in supporting their practice (although will also need to consult the local procedures for supporting school aged children).

Please click on the following sections below to find the information you are looking for.  The Handbook Contents page [PDF, 380Kb] shows what each section covers.

If you need any of the sections in paper format please contact eysendteam@northlincs.gov.uk

Ideas for activities, resources and home learning for children aged 0 to 5 years

As an EYFS provider, you might like to share these ideas and suggestions for things that parents and carers can do at home to support their baby or child’s learning and development.

Ideas for resources, activities and home learning for children in the early years [PDF, 1Mb]

The purpose of the handbook is to:

  • Provide information about the Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice: 0 to 25 years (2014) revised January 2015
  • To show specific links and good practice in relation to the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
  • Guide providers through the process of the graduated approach
  • Provide information for management, staff, students and particularly the designated SENCO
  • Provide information relating to where and how appropriate advice may be sought and local support services for children with special educational needs and disabilities
  • Provide guidance and give examples of good practice, promoting the inclusion of children with special educational needs and disabilities
  • Provide a practical resource to which the SENCO and others can refer

This handbook supports providers delivering the Early Years Foundation Stage within the private, voluntary and independent sector, as well as practitioners within maintained school (particularly those working with children of nursery age).

Practitioners working with reception aged children will find much of the information within the early years handbook useful in supporting their practice (although will also need to consult the local procedures for supporting school aged children).

Relevant Legislation and supporting documents-2019 [PDF, 129Kb]

Acronyms [PDF, 47Kb]

Useful professional information for supporting emotional wellbeing and mental health in the early years

Early Years Behaviour Toolkit

The following PDFs contains tables that are not accessible. If you require this document in a different format, please contact us.

Additional Support leaflets

Step 1

Step 2

Communication Counts

Communication Counts is an exciting new integrated community and workforce strategy. It aims to ensure all our children in North Lincolnshire have access to high quality communication and language environments across the conception to five period and beyond.

For more information please visit our Communication Counts page

North Lincolnshire Communication Counts

Children’s communication and language underpins all of their learning and development. The earliest years of a child’s life, starting even before a baby is born, are crucial in how children’s communication, speech and language develops. Parents, carers and families have a big impact on this – talking with your baby and child, taking turns in conversations, sharing books and rhymes and giving them new words all helps them learn to communicate and talk well.

Our Best Start Communication Counts posters have important messages and tips that will support your baby and child’s healthy brain development, communication, speech, language and learning. Take a look at our posters on our Communication Counts page.

Resources to support referral to speech and language therapy

Read the NHS Speech and Language in early years [PDF, 186Kb] document for further information for parents.

Further information to support communication, speech and language in the early years

Supporting parents and carers

A wide range of information and resources for professionals to share with parents, families and communities are available below:

EYFS ASET support and strategies toolkit [PDF, 1Mb]

ASET EYFS checklist to identify support needs [PDF, 161Kb]

ASET EYFS visual support checklist [PDF, 76Kb]

(These PDFs are not fully accessible. If you require these documents in a different format, please contact us on 01724 296971)

Toddler playing outside

Contact Us


EYFS SENCO manager – Melissa Simmonite


07554565001 (Mobile)

Further Information

Last modified: June 10, 2024