Information and advice

The SEND Local Offer in North Lincolnshire aims to provide you with the information you may need, or want to know, about resources, services, support, activities and events for North Lincolnshire’s children and young people with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities and their families.

Useful information

Standard accessible toilets do not meet the needs of every person with a disability.

People with profound and multiple learning disabilities, as well people with other physical disabilities such as spinal injuries, muscular dystrophy and multiple sclerosis often need extra facilities to allow them to use the toilets safely and comfortably.

Changing Places toilets are different to standard disabled toilets as they have extra features, special equipment and more space to provide a safe and clean environment for the people who use them.

The extra facilities in Changing Places toilets include:

  • A height adjustable bench
  • A tracking hoist system or mobile hoist
  • Adequate space for a disabled person and up to two carers
  • A privacy screen or curtain

Where can I find changing places toilets?

There are currently five Changing Places toilets in North Lincolnshire at:

  • The Ironstone Centre, West Street, Scunthorpe
  • Normanby Hall Country Park, Normanby
  • Riddings Pool, Enderby Road, Scunthorpe
  • Scunthorpe Community Wellbeing Hub, Alvingham Road, Scunthorpe
  • Sir John Mason House, De Lacy Way, Winterton

More information about Changing Places toilets, including where they can be found nationally, is available on the Changing Places website. Use the searchable map to assist you planning a journey.

The Do Something Different Timetable has lots of activities for adults with a disability (16+)

This handbook is intended for all providers of early years, particularly those within the private, voluntary and independent sector, and as a reference document for practitioners within the maintained sector including all those who support and work within the Early Years Foundation Stage.

You can search for information and contact details of a range of local and national specialist SEND organisations in the Directory

Type in the search bar the organisation or service you are looking for and it will bring up a list.

Please visit the website for information about inspections of local area services for children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

A brand new website and an app called Life Central have been launched to offer emotional health and wellbeing support for children and young people across North Lincolnshire.

The launch follows World Mental Health Day on 10 October 2016.

The Life Central website and app will provide children and young people with a range of information and support including eating well, bullying, exam stress, sexual health and internet safety.

Not only is the website for children and young people, it will provide targeted information and support for parents and carers, and professionals.

Life Central is a joint initiative between North Lincolnshire Council and North Lincolnshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), and is part of a wider children’s mental health transformation programme.

Research shows that nationally 50 per cent of mental health problems are established by aged 14 and 75 per cent by aged 24 with 20 per cent of adolescents likely to experience a mental health problem in any given year.

The website consists of targeted information within three sections for:

  • Children and Young People
  • Parents and Carers
  • Professionals

The app is targeted for use by Children and Young People only.

Visit the Life Central website for more details.

Normanby Park has a new Learning Garden where small groups of children or adults can come and learn about nature and nurture through hands on gardening.

As part of the session called “Science in the Garden” they conduct scientific experiments and make observations about the plants and the conditions they are growing in. This fits in with the updated National Curriculum.

Children will help with planting up flower beds and hanging baskets plus other tasks needed in the Learning Garden and also in the Victorian Walled Garden. Being surrounded by and looking after plants is a big help towards people’s wellbeing and can help to bring some peace to a troubled mind.

This resource is suited to groups who are either home schooled or those children who have a scheme of personalised learning in place. Ideal group sizes would be between 10 and 20 people plus any supervising adults/teachers. The cost is only £4.50 per child and the session lasts around 2 hours.

Please contact the Learning Team at North Lincolnshire Museum on 01724 297055 to find out more. Also visit the Normanby Hall website for lots of other things to do.

Normanby Hall Country Park was given a silver award from the Opening Doors Mystery Shopper project for being accessible to disabled people. The project was set-up by the council’s Integrated Services for Disabled Children and VANL (Voluntary Action North Lincolnshire) to give young people aged between 14 and 25 a voice. It gives them an opportunity to say how they find accessing services and buildings in North Lincolnshire. The project looks at the accessibility, facilities and staff awareness for people that have disabilities and how they are able to access the services.

For more information please visit the Normanby Hall website

This Local Offer website uses a range of terms, some which may be new or unfamiliar.

The North Lincolnshire SEND Glossary of Terms[PDF, 251Kb] ensures a common understanding and usage of these terms.

The Council for Disabled Children has published a School Admissions Briefing, with information intended to help parents of disabled children and young people, parents of children and young people with SEN and professionals advising parents including those in Information, Advice and Support Services.

The briefing provides a summary of schools admission arrangements and focuses on issues that are particularly relevant to the admission of disabled children and children with SEN.

The government has allocated capital funding to local authorities to support meeting local needs and priorities.
North Lincolnshire Council has been allocated £500k capital funding over three years to create new school places and improve existing facilities for children and young people with SEN and disabilities.
The Local Authority, in consultation with local stakeholders, has determined how the funding should be prioritised to improve special provision for children and young people with education, health and care plans (EHCP).

The plan below outlines three development areas for North Lincolnshire.

The National Network of Parent Carer Forums has produced a list of informative websites which may be of use to parents and carers seeking further information on the SEND reforms. They have categorised the websites under useful subheadings making it easier to find relevant information. Download your NNPCF links to website information [PDF, 73Kb]

How do you improve your service based on what young people say?  The Young Inspectors can help!

The Young Inspectors team is a group of young people who are trained and supported to inspect services across North Lincolnshire. As part of the inspection process, they will:

  • undertake research prior to the inspection visit
  • assess the building and the service
  • interview staff and service users
  • prepare a report highlighting strengths and areas for improvement
  • make recommendations
  • give you a ‘star rating’

A mystery shopper element has now been included into the process where young inspectors undertake a mystery shopper visit to services/organisations previously inspected, at any point in a six month period following their initial inspection visit.

For more information about the inspection and fees or you would like to book an inspection please email:

Last modified: June 10, 2024