Getting Around and Transport

Information on travelling in and around North Lincolnshire

This section provides children and young people with SEND, and their parents and carers, with further information on travelling in and around North Lincolnshire and beyond.

The Council for Disabled Children’s website has a lot of information about travel, travel guides and independent travel training. You can also find information about holidays for people with additional needs and much more.

Many children with Education Health and Care Plans (EHCP) do not have special transport needs. Their entitlement to free school transport is the same as other children. The policy followed in assessing their entitlement is set out in the Home to school transport policy for pupils of statutory school age on the council website.

The council will make transport arrangements for all children who cannot reasonably be expected to make their own way to school because of their mobility difficulties or because of associated health and safety issues related to their special educational needs (SEN) or disability. Eligibility for such children will be assessed on an individual basis to identify their particular transport requirements.

In determining whether a child cannot reasonably be expected to make their own way to school, the council will consider whether the child could reasonably be expected to make their own way if accompanied and, if so, whether their parent can reasonably be expected to accompany them. When considering that, a range of factors may need to be taken into account, such as, the distance, the age of the child and whether one would ordinarily expect a child of that age to be accompanied. The general expectation is that a child will be accompanied by a parent where necessary, unless there is a good reason why it is not reasonable to expect the parent to do so.

Students over the age of 16 with disabilities, who attend a college or sixth form, may also be entitled to help with their transport costs.

Further information regarding transport is available on the School Transport webpage and the Post 16 Transport page. Information on transport for pupils over 16 with disabilities is also available.

  • The Blue Badge Scheme allows eligible people with severe mobility problems to park close to places they are visiting. Details of the Blue Badge Scheme and how to apply are available on the council website. (Blue Badge).
  • The Humber Bridge Board provides Toll Concessions for the disabled. Further details of eligibility criteria, conditions available to the concessions and downloaded application forms are available on the Humber Bridge website.
  • The Disabled Persons Railcard allows eligible children and adults with a disability that makes travelling by train difficult to qualify for reduced train fares. Further details of eligibility criteria and rates are available on the Disabled Persons Railcard website.
  • Tourism for All is a national charity dedicated to eliminating barriers to participating in tourism for disabled children and young people and their parents and carers whether they are looking for a suitable break, holiday or a simple day trip.

North Lincolnshire Council has introduced the Max Card to families who are registered on the Disabled Children’s Voluntary Database.

The Max Card is a discount card for families of children with additional needs and for foster families.

Families simply show their Max Card upon entry to a venue in order to obtain free or discounted admission.

The scheme is designed to help these families save money on great days out.

The Max Card is free.  To request a Max Card please get in touch with the Short Breaks team on 01724 407988.

Check out all the information about MAX cards on the website. Also the frequently asked questions section.

Dad walking down the street with his three children

Further Information

Contact Us

Education Transport


Tel: 01724 297263

Road Safety


Tel: 01724 297346

Last modified: July 4, 2023