
On behalf of the Integrated Children’s Trust (ICT) Board we are pleased to introduce our North Lincolnshire Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) and Inclusion Plan 2021–2024 which outlines our aspirations and plans for children and young people (aged 0-25) with SEND. It is built upon the successes of our previous SEND Inclusion Plans. We know that our plans for the periods 2014-2017 and 2017-2020 were effective and we have achieved much to be proud of and to take forward. The drive, amongst all strategic partners, to further improve outcomes for children and young people with SEND remains as strong and as ambitious as ever.

This new SEND and Inclusion Plan for the period 2021-2024 is linked very strongly to our North Lincolnshire Children’s Commissioning Strategy 2020-2024 (suite of documents) and to our Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (SEND) 2019. This new plan describes how children and young people with SEND are included within our ‘One Family Approach’ (OFA) to integrated support – ensuring that our children and young people with SEND in North Lincolnshire are enabled and supported to achieve even better outcomes – whilst remaining within their families, schools and communities. It describes how children, young people and their families will build upon their strengths and resilience and be supported by an integrated workforce that is confident and competent. It also includes how we respond to specific challenges and provides a particular focus upon how we want to ‘shine a light’ on children and young people in receipt of SEN/D Support. This is to ensure we continue to deliver equity of access and consistency of support – enhancing inclusion and further improving preparation for adulthood.

The plan will form the work of and be monitored by the SEND and Inclusion Partnership and will be used to inform the Integrated Children’s Trust Board (ICT) with direct accountability and governance oversight through the North Lincolnshire SEND Standards Board.

  • Councillor Julie Reed, Cabinet Member for Children and Families
  • Kay Mitchell-Gough, Co-Chair, Parents’ Forum
  • Julia Williams, Co-Chair, Parents’ Forum
  • Peter Thorpe, Director: Learning, Skills and Culture
  • Mick Gibbs, Director: Children and Community Resilience
  • Karen Pavey, Director: Adults and Community Wellbeing
  • Alex Seale, Chief Operating Officer, North Lincolnshire CCG

North Lincolnshire strategic and ‘place’ context

Everything we do as a council area working closely with key strategic partners helps to achieve better outcomes for the people of North Lincolnshire. The specific Council Plan sets out what the council is here to do, how it is funded, what council tax is spent on and our key priorities. The ambition is to be the #BestPlace for our residents and the #BestCouncil we can be. It is important that all local strategies and plans are seen within this broader context and aspiration. This SEND and Inclusion Plan is one of a suite of documents which sit beneath the Council Plan relating to commissioning intent and associated priorities for children and families:

  • The Children’s Commissioning Strategy clarifies our integrated One Family Approach and commissioning intent in relation to health, social care and education for children, young people and families in the context of our Place Partnership.
  • Through surveys and feedback, young people and families have identified some areas of focus to challenge local partners to work together to take action. They have also identified challenges for themselves. These challenges are articulated in the Children’s Challenge which the Children’s Commissioning Strategy has taken into account and incorporated. Young people and families are part of the solution and together, taking a One Family Approach, all stakeholders can work together to further improve the lives and experiences of children, young people and families.
  • Helping Children’s and Families in North Lincolnshire provides clear guidance to professionals as to how they should, in the first instance, offer help and encouragement to children and families to find their own solutions, including online information, advice, guidance and sources of self-help. It describes the services available for supporting children and families to stay independent and resilient, in their families, schools, and communities. It sets out statutory thresholds for intervention, and locally agreed levels of need, which are to be used to inform decision-making and applied in accessing a service and taking local action. It offers clear guidance to professionals about when to offer help, and the criteria for undertaking a more formal early help assessment, as well as outlining the minimum standards that should be met for children receiving targeted help (focused and preventative).
  • The SEND Code of Practice 2014 (as amended) articulates and regulates how local areas should respond to different levels of need within the context of SEND through the designations of SEN/D* Support and through statutory Education, Health and Care Planning (EHCP) processes. In North Lincolnshire the approach we take to the SEND Code of Practice and SEND identified need is aligned to and embedded within the ‘One Family Approach’ – from Early Help right through to statutory intervention and support (Appendix A).
  • The NHS Long Term Plan articulates a new service model for the 21st century and sets out how pressures that NHS staff face will be tackled, as well as how the redesign of patient care will future-proof the NHS for the decade ahead.


We all want to live in a place we call home, with the people and things that we love, in communities where we look out for one another, doing things that matter to us. This is at the heart of the One Family Approach.

As children, young people and families, we want to be:

  • Resilient
  • Happy
  • Positive
  • Inspired
  • Interested
  • Ambitious
  • Informed
  • Individual
  • Empowered
  • Enabled.


One Family Approach – Outcomes

In the context of our Place Partnership, through implementing our One Family Approach, we have articulated what successful outcomes will look like:

SAFE – where children and families feel safe in their homes, schools and communities.

Where children and families:

  • Have a sense of belonging and feel safe/are safe in their home, school and community
  • Are supported to withstand adverse impacts and change behaviours
  • Are empowered and supported to identify and develop their strengths and aspirations
  • Live in ‘one family’ which reflects their needs and circumstances.

WELL – where children and families enjoy good health and emotional wellbeing

Where children and families:

  • Are a healthy weight and live active lives
  • Enjoy positive emotional wellbeing and mental health
  • Receive the health care and support they need in their community where possible
  • Learn resilience and self-regulation through effective provision in settings and schools.

PROSPEROUS where children and young people have excellent education and improved skills

Where children and families:

  • Are enabled to have social mobility and equal access to resources in their early years and education
  • Have high levels of speech, language and communication skills
  • Have equal and fair access to a consistent, high quality education offer in schools and settings
  • Are empowered, enabled and supported to achieve as they transition to adulthood
  • Achieve their potential (including the most vulnerable).

CONNECTED where children and families live in flourishing communities

Where children and families:

  • Are empowered and enabled to participate, have equality of opportunity and access to creative, flexible support at the earliest point in the right place by the right people
  • Benefit from engaging in positive activities
  • Build resilience and find resolutions for themselves
  • Are able to transport themselves around the area
  • Have access to information and resources online and social media
  • Have a home, a job and a friend (including vulnerable adults).
  • Transitions -preparing for adulthood
  • Developing the workforce – integrated One Family Approach
  • Building family and community resilience
  • Continuing to enable voice and co-production
  • Integrated Children’s Trust Board (ICT) ‘Shine a Light’ focus upon SEN/D Support.

Progress against our priorities and commissioning intentions 2017 -2020

Our previous SEND and Inclusion Plan for 2017-2020 set out our commissioning intentions for children and young people with SEND. Much has been achieved to improve outcomes for families across a range of education, health and care measures during this time. We have also:

SEND and Inclusion Plan 2021-2024

Progress against our priorities and commissioning intentions 2017 – 2020

  • Successfully bid to the DfE for a new SEND Free School for students over the age of 16 who have severe learning disability, profound and multiple learning disability, speech and language communication needs, Autism Spectrum Disorder and/or potentially challenging and complex behaviours (scheduled to open September 2022) – this new provision will have a vocational focus
  • Developed our Key Stage 2 primary provision to support children with more complex needs in relation to Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) needs (open January 2021)
  • Opened a new secondary phase SEMH inclusion support provision – ‘Headway’ – at Baysgarth School in Barton-upon Humber (SEND Capital Grant) with plans for two further provisions in 2020
  • Identified Mental Health Champions in all of our schools as part of the Emotional Health and Well-being Plans and Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) transformation
  • Coordinated a streamlined service between health and education to ensure standardised delivery of the Integrated Health Check
  • Launched our new and integrated neuro-diversity diagnostic pathway in relation to Autism, Attention Deficit Hyper-Activity Disorder (ADHD) and/or Learning Disabilities – involving professionals across a spectrum of expertise
  • Worked with parents and professionals across education, health and care to implement a Sensory Needs Framework which builds upon the existing multi-disciplinary/multi-agency approach to sensory needs assessment and intervention in North Lincolnshire
  • Developed a learning disabilities ‘health check register’ of young people aged 14 and over with learning disabilities.

We have:

  • Re-commissioned the Children’s Domiciliary Care Framework
  • Re-commissioned and embedded Health Visiting and School Nursing to create one service delivering the Healthy Child Programme for children and young people aged 0-19 (0-25 SEND)
  • Reviewed the Sensory Needs Framework based on evaluation, experience and need
  • Transformed and agreed a new jointly commissioned approach and specification to meeting the needs of children and young people with Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN) – with school/setting delivery model
  • Reviewed and enhanced our approach to meeting the needs of children and young people with palliative and end of life care needs
  • Refreshed the North Lincolnshire Children and Young People’s Emotional Health and Well-Being Transformation Plan 2015 – 2022
  • Continued to commission education, health and care provision for children and young people with complex needs as close to home as possible so that they can remain within their family and community setting
  • Worked with Headteachers and Principals to review delivery approaches in relation to the re-commissioning of Alternative Learning Provision (ALP) for young people at Key Stages 3 and 4 and introduced various initiatives (including provision development and Early Help Networks) to support quality inclusion
  • Introduced and co-produced a digital/web-based real-time solution to SEND statutory functions – the ‘EHCP Hub’ with direct young person, parent/carer and professional access with plans to roll-out Annual Review modules in 2021
  • Explored the sufficiency of North Lincolnshire’s special school estate and delivery options for the future.

We have:

  • Transformed Group-Based Short Break Services with North Lincolnshire Council providing an in-house service
  • Jointly commissioned an All-Age Carers’ Service which will help create seamless support as young people prepare for adulthood
  • Reviewed and developed the Special Educational Needs and Disability Information and Advice Support Service (SENDIASS) in line with changes in national guidance
  • Continued to develop a range of independent living and supported housing provision and options for young adults with more complex needs
  • Expanded the number of post-16/19 Supported Internships so that more young people with SEND can access learning and training opportunities in the workplace
  • Re-commissioned the Complex Care Play Scheme and developed this in accordance with future demand and need (Easter and summer)
  • Continued to develop the ‘Good to Great’ training and support model for Special Educational Needs Co-ordinators (SENCos) to support appropriate identification of need, equity of access and consistency of support (including guidance on appropriate time allocation)
  • Continued to provide a training offer to settings, schools and wider professionals in relation SEND
  • Reviewed and completely updated the SEND Local Offer website including key co-produced policies and protocols (e.g. the North Lincolnshire Preparing for Adulthood Protocol 2020).

How have we derived our priorities and commissioning intentions for the next four years?

The One Family Approach is how we respond to the needs of children and families in North Lincolnshire in the context of an integrated service for children. It provides a vision for a new system that places children and families at the centre – a One Family Approach to strategy, commissioning, planning, and practice. It provides a model for innovative, integrated working which builds upon strengths, finding solutions in families and communities, builds resilience and confidence, and enables independence.

Our One Family Approach is underpinned by four values which drive and unite our practice, behaviour, and decisions. These are:

Equality of opportunity – where all children, young people and families, regardless of need, community, or diversity, have equal access to the same opportunities to achieve their potential and positive outcomes. To achieve this involves working anti-oppressively to challenge disadvantage and adversity.
Excellence – where we have high aspirations for children, young people and families and high expectations of each other across the workforce, and support and challenge together as we strive for best practice and best outcomes.
Integrity – where we are respectful, honest and accountable in our actions, where behaviours build trust and effective relationships, and we uphold the highest standards including the creative use of resources across the partnership to achieve shared outcomes for children, young people and families.
Self responsibility – where confident and autonomous professionals enable and empower others to have choice and control over their lives, to make decisions and have a voice, and to live independently from services in their families and communities.

Starting with this strong values-base we derive our priorities and commissioning intentions for the next four years by drawing upon information and intelligence from:

  • Our populations – (e.g. Joint Strategic Needs Assessment SEND 2019)
  • Our performance – (outcomes across a range of measures)
  • Our areas for further development – (through self-evaluation)
  • Voice – (Parents’ Forum, Youth Council, Children and Young People’s Partnership)
  • Practice wisdom – assurance systems.

Using the aforementioned information and intelligence our local area SEND self-evaluation highlights the following key areas for further development:

  • Continue to improve outcomes particularly in the context of Preparing for Adulthood (health, care, community/independence and employability) and how these are recorded within EHCPs, including longer term outcomes.
  • Continue to improve education outcomes (e.g. SEN/D Support ‘shine a light’ focus across all key stages of learning; average attainment 8 score for children with an EHCP at the end of Key Stage 4 and attainment at age 19 for young people with an EHCP).
  • Continue to ensure equity of expectation, access and support across all providers (e.g. What should ordinarily be available in settings, schools and colleges) and to continue to support/challenge in relation to specific areas of practice (e.g. secondary schools where fixed term and permanent exclusion rates are high).
  • Further strengthen the Local Offer in certain areas of provision to ensure that there is stability in school and the community and for specific needs (e.g. SEMH, Post-16 specialist provision/5-day offer, next stage of neuro-diversity pathway and Personal Budget/market-place review).
  • Continued further development of integrated commissioning and service provision in line with the One Family Approach (OFA).

How our findings translate into priorities and commissioning intentions 2021-2024

  • Review and further develop/co-produce short break provision within North Lincolnshire in response to recent surveys and feedback (parent/carer/young person) including the use of Direct Payments/Personal Budgets for individual support to access universal provision and a full review of the market-place.
  • Develop specific ‘shine a light’ plans in relation to children and young people at SEN/D Support to enhance equity of access and consistency of support to prevent exclusion and to improve attainment and progression outcomes.
  • Ensure that Fixed Term Exclusion (FTE) Reduction Plans are in place where schools consistently have high FTE figures and continue to provide system-wide support and challenge to ensure that vulnerable children and young people are enabled and supported through the One Family Approach.
  • ‘Re-imagine’ inclusion in partnership with Headteachers and Principals including a review of targeted and specialist provision and support for specific needs (e.g. Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) and neuro-diversity). This will include working in partnership with all external partners / services that work to support quality inclusion.
  • Continue to invest in the Complex Care Play Scheme during the Easter and Summer holidays for our most complex children and young people.
  • Embed and further develop the new Key Stage 2 SEMH provision particularly in the context of wrap-around support/expertise.
  • Continue to work with education leaders (primary and secondary) to ensure there is sufficiency of setting and school places that can support the range of needs (including SEMH, Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and inclusive resourced provisions where required).
  • Implement the expansion of our special school estate following the successful DfE application for a new Post 16 Specialist Free School – with a key focus upon Preparing for Adulthood and the ‘5-day offer’.
  • Embed the new Designated Social Care Officer (DSCO) role within the statutory EHCP process to support further improvements in care ‘outcome’ articulation/development – building upon the good practice already in place in the context of health outcomes and the Designated Clinical Officer (DCO) role.

Continue to support children and young people with complex health/care and educational needs to access services/provision close to home so they can remain with
their family and in their community setting.

  • Undertake a review of SEND home to school transport arrangements to ensure that this continues to meet need most effectively/efficiently into the future including post-16 arrangements.
  • Develop total transport solutions to meet all needs and promote active travel across and beyond North Lincolnshire.
  • Continue to transform digital solutions to improve access to information and resources and enhance information sharing and analytics (e.g. EHCP digital hub, Blue Badge applications) – supporting independence and enablement.
  • Further develop the range of information and tools contained within the Local Offer to support families and the workforce.
  • Continue to develop mechanisms for celebrating and sharing good practice – at home, at school and in the community and as part of the One Family Approach (e.g. SENCo and Early Help Networks, Voluntary and Community Groups).
  • Review the voluntary and community offer for children and young people and consider how, in partnership, this offer can be better embedded within individual planning.
  • Take the EHCP Digital Hub to the next stage of development by introducing the Annual Review Module – supporting improved timeliness for children, young people and families.
  • Review and develop the SEND Workforce Development Offer in the context of the One Family Approach – with increased opportunities for multi-disciplinary/multi- agency and parent/carer training and support.
  • Develop a Community Enablement Plan for 2021-23.
  • Review sufficiency in the context of hearing, vision and physical disability support services for 2021-24.
  • Review and further develop the skills and employability offer for 16-to-24 year-olds to further support strong transitions and positive, sustainable opportunities
    particularly where there is over-representation (e.g. previously SEN/D Support).
  • Further develop opportunities in relation to Supported Internships so that more young people with SEND can access learning and training opportunities in the workplace.
  • Review how we are framing Preparing for Adulthood outcomes to ensure less variability in quality and that they are aligned with the wider local offer and opportunities (e.g. training and employer opportunities).
  • Continue the development of a range of independent living and supported housing provision and options for young adults with more complex needs.
  • Capture the good practice and learning during Covid-19 that has enabled some of our most vulnerable children, young people and families to flourish and be resilient.
  • Ensure there is an increased focus upon our ambition for positive transitions – ensuring we are even more ‘joined-up’.
  • Further enhance the robustness of scrutiny and challenge to underperformance through the Education Standards Board and the SEND Standards Board with a continued focus upon quality inclusion.
  • Review and further develop the SEND school improvement offer to support increased consistency and more peer-to-peer support and challenge.
  • Develop and introduce a new Early Years Getting The Best Start Plan for 2021 – 24 including the introduction of a one-year-old integrated check to support identification of need even earlier.
  • Further consult with headteachers and wider partners to identify how best to support those children and families who need additional expert support at the early stages and prior to formal diagnosis in order to prevent escalation of need and exclusion (e.g. Neuro-Diversity Pathway Project).
  • Continue to implement the new Neuro-Diversity Pathway beyond the initial year and ensure a continued multi-disciplinary/integrated One Family Approach into the
  • Consider how the setting/school-based Speech and Language Therapy (SALT) model can influence/be applied to other therapies/allied health support (e.g. Occupational Therapy/Dietetics).
  • Develop and implement a new Children and Young People’s Emotional Well-being and Mental Health Plan 2021 – 24 that is aligned to and inclusive of relevant Transforming Care Partnership (TCP) and Humber Coast and Vale Integrated Care System (ICS) priorities and intentions.
  • Undertake a review of Mental Health Champions in schools and introduce/implement the role of Resiliency Governors to ensure greater accountability and scrutiny.
  • Continue to review sufficiency within the locality and develop specialist provision for children with SEMH needs in Key Stage 2 and beyond.
  • Continue to work with GPs around GP Learning Disability LD/ASD annual health checks – supporting improved identification of need for this group of young people.
  • Consider moving to a prescription model for the provision of specialist equipment.
  • Build upon the integrated good practice in relation to neuro-diversity and identification of need for children by developing an All-Age Autism/Neuro-Diversity Strategy.
  • Further review and develop our approach to meeting the needs of children with palliative and end of life care needs.
  • Undertake a review of how we support medical needs in the context of home to school transport.
  • Continue to keep under review the effectiveness, impact and outcomes of Personal Budgets/Direct Payments particularly in the context of the market-place.
  • Ensure the sufficiency and inclusiveness of positive activities through a robust and targeted youth participation offer.
  • Embed a Public Health response to address key issues (including the outcomes of lifestyle surveys).
  • Review access to equipment including wheelchair provision and assisted technologies.
  • Review Continuing Health Care provision for children and young people with complex needs.
  • Bid for national Learning Disability/Autism Spectrum Key-Worker Project Funding to enhance the local mental health offer in North Lincolnshire (Humber Coast and Vale ICS Project).
  • Review and continue to develop bereavement and loss support services building upon existing arrangements for children, families and professionals.

Developing the workforce

A key factor to ensuring improved outcomes for our SEND children and young people is that we have a workforce (across the full range of services and provision from universal to specialist) that is equipped with the appropriate skills, knowledge, experience and qualifications to meet the needs of our children and young people with SEND. Moreover, that we have a workforce that has inclusive practice and high aspiration right at the centre.

North Lincolnshire has a strong record of recruiting and developing a skilled, professional workforce capable of making a real difference to the lives of children and young people in the area.

Our ambition is that every member of the children’s workforce is equipped to meet a broad range of children’s learning and developmental needs at the first point of contact, to be able to work confidently with families to build their capacity and to ensure that the right support is available at the right time and in the right place.

One Family Approach to Workforce Development

  • Blended, integrated workforce without boundaries
  • Consistent systematic approach to business
  • People are resilient and have the right skills and experience
  • People do the right thing at the right time in the right place to meet need
  • Management of supply and demand.

Governance, accountability and partnerships

Who has oversight of the priorities for children and young people in North Lincolnshire?

In North Lincolnshire, our One Family Approach aims to create a system that works for all children, young people and families, where we work together to provide and commission integrated services for children and young people. The One Family Approach – Helping Children Young People and Families in North Lincolnshire 2020/24 sets out how services support children, young people and families to participate, find help online and in their networks and communities, to be resilient and stay independent.

Through the Health and Wellbeing Board Integration Statement, the commonalities, expectations and behaviours of individuals, partners and organisations across the area in relation to ‘organisation’ and ultimately our workforce, are clearly articulated.

The SEND Standards Board is the main governance forum of collective accountability amongst partners and agencies for supporting children and young people with SEND to achieve outstanding outcomes. It ensures a clear line of sight for holders of statutory responsibilities on the duties of the local area for children and young people aged 0-25 years with SEND.


Diagram to show the governance structure of the SEND standards board

Stakeholder Engagement

Children, young people, families and communities are at the heart of all we do. By making use of their strengths, assets, views and experiences and by engaging with partners and with other key stakeholders we will co-produce local services and support which meets needs and helps to achieve positive outcomes.

The SEND and Inclusion Partnership has a role in SEND strategy development and has direct connectivity to the SEND Standards Board. There is also direct reporting to the Children and Young People’s Partnership (CYPP).

The Partnership is a multi-disciplinary partnership group that includes representatives from across the range of educational settings – mainstream and specialist – pre and post 16. It also includes North Lincolnshire’s Parents’ Forum, the Youth Council and representatives from across health, care, housing, leisure and transport.

The Partnership focuses upon championing inclusion and challenging exclusion, improving attainment and achievement and ensuring quality and sufficiency of education, health and care

Diagram how we engage with stakeholders, text version below.


Safe Well Prosperous Connected


SEND One Family Approach Emotional Health and Wellbeing Early Years


Children, Young People, Families Communities and relevant agencies and organisations


  • To have positive, meaningful relationships
  • To be open, honest and transparent
  • To challenge and support as required
  • To provide feedback on outcomes of engagement
  • To make best use of strengths and assets
  • For all key stakeholders to have influence
  • To work collaboratively and co-productively
  • To listen, learn, review and adapt.


Inform Consult Involve Co-produce


Face to Face Electronic Print Media

Monitoring arrangements

Progress made against the priorities and commissioning intentions set out in this plan will be monitored:

  • on a termly basis via the SEND Standards Board
  • on an annual basis to the Health and Wellbeing Board
  • through quarterly reporting to the Integrated Children’s Trust against the ‘Shine a Light’ priorities of:
    • Ensuring equity of access and consistency of support at SEN/D Support to prevent exclusion and further improve outcomes, and
    • Creating a culture and system leading to positive emotional wellbeing and mental health and to meet the needs of all children, including those with complex needs

Using existing networks and partnerships the work included in this plan will progress and be d on via SEND Annual Reports.

Appendix 1 –SEND in the context of OFA and the local Organisational Model

One Family Approach

  • Ethos, values and principles –supporting enablement, independence and resiliency
  • Graduated approach to meeting need –universal, targeted and specialist.

SEND Code of Practice 2014

Specialist Children’s Assessment e.g. EHC Plan, Child in Need /Child Protection Plan, Specialist Health Assessment

SPECIALIST SEND –EHC Plan Support across education, health and care

How are SEND CYP 0-25 assessed and supported?

Education, Health and Care Plan | Child in Care Plan | Child in Need Plan | Specialist Health Plan e.g. CAMHS | Continuing Health Care | Specialist Provision e.g. local /OOA specialist school | Complex Care arrangements | Child Development Centre (CDC) | Social care e.g. short breaks | Adult social care support

Early Help/Specific SEN/D Support Assessments

UNIVERSAL (self help and enablement)
Entitlements across education, health and care

How are SEND needs identified and families enabled (any age)?

By settings, schools, professionals and parents – Midwifery, 2½ year developmental check, Primary/Community Health Care (e.g. GPs, Health Visitors),

PVI/school assessment/tools (e.g. Graduated Approach, Ordinarily Available in Schools guidance) |

Contact Details

Jemima Flintoff – Assistant Director, Education

Including: Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND), Education Inclusion (Case Management and Compliance), Educational Psychology/Emotional Health and Wellbeing Services, Disability Services and Access/Admission Services.

Last modified: June 10, 2024