Young Voice

Young Voice refers to the views, ideas, experience and actions of young people in North Lincolnshire.

We support and develop young voice activities to enable and encourage children and young people to have their say about things that matter to them.

We work collaboratively with children and young people so they can actively shape and influence:

  • local action
  • service development
  • strategic planning
  • priority setting

Further information

The Youth Council is a representative group of young people. It includes children and young people with special educational needs and / or disabilities.

The Youth Council is used as a consultation forum. Guest presenters are encouraged to attend the Youth Council to share information and raise awareness of topical issues. For example sexual health, private fostering, alcohol spiking, emotional health, child sexual exploitation, female genital mutilation, politics, environmental issues and transport.

Young people are supported to lead and contribute to campaigns and workstreams. For example Be Unique (positive body image campaign) and Young People’s Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health.

We co-ordinate the election process for the Young Mayor and Member of Youth Parliament (MYP). We also support and develop them during their terms in office.

We support young people to attend and contribute to key boards, partnerships, forums and events at a local, regional and national level. For example the Health and Wellbeing Board, Children and Young People Partnership, Staying Safe Conferences, Great Debate, Local Takeover Week, college summits and assemblies, regional events and national sitting in the House of Commons.

We also produce Young Voice Newsletters that include information about the Youth Council and updates from the Young Mayor and Member of the Youth Parliament.

Young girl using a hand held microphone

Contact Us

01724 298434


Useful Links

Last modified: December 6, 2021