Education - Schools
If you want to know more about the range of schools in North Lincolnshire, please use the buttons below to search the Local Offer directory. Here you will find contact details, a map, links to the school’s website and a link to the Ofsted report
Education in North Lincolnshire
Education in North Lincolnshire is made up of 62 primary, infant and junior schools, many who have nursery provision.
There are 13 secondary schools, 3 who have sixth-forms offering a wide range of courses and quality post 16 provision.
We have 2 special schools and there are 2 colleges in North Lincolnshire and a University Technical College.
A new special school will be opening in Scunthorpe in 2023, providing places for up to 60 pupils aged between 16 and 19 with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). Further information is available in the new special school tab below.
To find schools in other areas use the ‘other schools’ tab below or ‘find and compare schools’ tool on GOV.UK
Information about school closures can be found on the North Lincolnshire Council website and lots of other useful information about schools.
Trent View College – Scunthorpe
A new Special School has opened in Scunthorpe for pupils aged between 16 and 19 with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).
Pupils are able to choose from a range of subjects including catering, the arts and technology to build upon their previous learning in core subjects. Students are supported with their learning and work experience, enabling them to develop life skills to prepare them for adulthood.
North Lincolnshire Council worked with the Department for Education (DfE) and the Wellspring Academy Trust to develop Trent View College in Scunthorpe for young people.
Introducing Wellspring Academy Trust
Wellspring is a growing community of 25 primary, secondary, special and alternative provision schools across Yorkshire and Lincolnshire. We believe in making a real difference by improving the lives and life chances of every young person in our care.
As a Trust, we have extensive experience in SEND and currently manage nine special or alternative provision schools. Our approach is one of ‘unconditional positive regard’ – this means we focus on understanding each child as an individual and meeting their own, unique needs. We don’t believe in one size fits all.
We are known for our integrity, inclusive practice, high ethical standards and quality, be that the academies themselves, our other charitable enterprises or the quality of teams supporting them. Our schools play a special role in the communities they serve, and we are proud of the relationships we develop with our parents, carers and wider communities.
Trent View College promises to be a fantastic resource for young people and their families in the local area and we look forward to bringing the Wellspring philosophy to Scunthorpe in 2022. Visit the Wellspring Academy website for further information.
Parents or young people have a legal right to request that a particular school or college is named in an education, health and care (“EHC”) plan (or to express a preference for an independent school, college or other institution).
A parent or young person will be able to request a particular school or college when they receive a draft EHC plan or an Amendment Notice amending an EHC plan. This might be when they are getting an EHC plan for the first time; if the EHC plan is being amended after an annual review; or if the EHC plan is being amended at any other time (for example, if the child or young person has to move schools and the EHC plan needs to be amended to reflect that).
The parent or young person has a right to request any of the following types of school or college:
- A maintained school or nursery (mainstream or special)
- An Academy (mainstream or special)
- An institution in the Further Education sector
- A non-maintained special school
- A section 41 school.
A request will only be agreed if:
- The setting is suitable for the age, ability, aptitude or special educational needs (“SEN”) of the child or young person. If the setting is not the nearest suitable setting that can meet the identified needs and provision outlined in the EHC plan, then parents/carers may be required to make their own transport arrangements.
A request may be refused if:
- The setting is unsuitable for the age, ability, aptitude or special educational needs (“SEN”) of the child or young person
- The attendance of the child or young person would be incompatible with the provision of efficient education for others; or
- The attendance of the child or young person would be incompatible with the efficient use of resources.
If you want to know more about Education Services in North Lincolnshire please visit the Local Offer Directory
The national curriculum is a set of subjects and standards used by primary and secondary schools so children learn the same things. It covers what subjects are taught and the standards children should reach in each subject.
Other types of school like academies and private schools don’t have to follow the national curriculum. Academies must teach a broad and balanced curriculum including English, maths and science. They must also teach religious education.
Visit GOV.UK for more information about key stages of education.
The SEND Code of Practice applies to children and young people from the age of 0-25 years of age. Therefore, some young people with disabilities will be considering going on to higher education after they have finished their schooling.
Higher education
All universities and higher education colleges should have an office or person in charge of disability issues that you can talk to about the support they offer. Find out who this is and what support they can provide you.
You can also ask local social services for an assessment to help with your day-to-day living needs.
UCAS has provided a video to provide information of the different types of support that is available to you. This may help you choose the right institution and course for you and be clear about the support that they will provide.
You may also be eligible for the Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA) to cover some of the extra costs you have because of a mental health problem, long term illness or any other disability.
Student Finance England provides additional information on DSAs and their video is a useful and easy way to get more information on DSAs. If you are eligible you can get the allowances on top of your other student finance and you will not need to repay the DSA. Further details on eligibility criteria and how to apply are available on their website (.gov).
Study needs assessment
If you’re eligible for Disabled Students’ Allowances, Student Finance England may ask you to arrange a study needs assessment to find out exactly what equipment and support you might need. A study needs assessment is an informal meeting with an experienced Needs Assessor to discuss what equipment and support will help you get the most from your course. A needs assessment is different from a diagnostic assessment, which is used as evidence of dyslexia. Even if you’ve had a diagnostic assessment, you must also have a needs assessment.
You should only book a needs assessment if Student Finance England tells you to. To find your nearest approved needs assessment centre, go to the DSA website.
Their video provides further information on what to expect as part of the Study Needs Assessment.
Travelling to and from higher education
If you are travelling by train to get to your place of study you may be eligible for a Disabled Students Railcard which is for people with a disability that makes travelling by train difficult.
You can find out more about eligibility criteria for a Disabled Students Railcard and how to obtain one on their website (Railcard).
Legal protection
It is against the law for a school or other education provider to treat disabled students unfavourably. The Equality Act 2010 provides protection for the following:
- direct discrimination, for example refusing admission to a student because of disability
- indirect discrimination, for example only providing application forms in one format that may not be accessible
- discrimination arising from a disability, for example a disabled student is prevented from going outside at break time because it takes too long to get there
- harassment, for example a lecturer shouts at a disabled student for not paying attention when the student’s disability stops them from easily concentrating
- victimisation, for example suspending a disabled student because they’ve complained about harassment
Reasonable adjustments
An education provider has a duty to make ‘reasonable adjustments’ to make sure disabled students are not discriminated against. These changes could include providing extra support and aids (like specialist lecturers or equipment).
Disability Rights UK has produced a number of informative education factsheets and guides. These are available from their website (Disability rights).
Or by clicking on the links below:
- F5 – funding higher education for disabled students 2019/20
- F11 – adjustments for disabled students
- F18 – applying for disabled students’ allowances
- F25 – funding from charitable trusts
- F26 – funding further education for disabled students
- F34 – student frequently asked questions
- F47 – making a complaint
- F51 – what counts as disability
- F52 – postgraduate education for disabled students
- F54 – telling people you’re disabled – clear and easy guide for students
Useful information for parents and carers
Moving from Primary School to Secondary School
The Moving from Primary to Secondary School [PDF, 446Kb] has lots of useful advice for parents and carers.
A Specialist Resource Provision (SRP) is attached to a mainstream school providing specialist input and support for pupils with a specific SEND need type. Pupils access support from the Specialist Resource Provision based on their individual need whilst also having access to mainstream classes and curriculum.
The Specialist Resource Provisions will provide specialist input and support based upon their specialism and the delivery model may differ between schools. The Local Authority will monitor and quality assure the provisions while working alongside Schools within North Lincolnshire to promote positive outcomes for children and young people accessing the Specialist Resource Provisions.
The Local Authority are currently working with North Lincolnshire schools to develop Specialist Resource Provisions based on the need and demand across the localities.