On this page we have pulled together some information about popular places to visit for days out. We have included a link to information about accessibility for visiting the attractions.
Local Tourist Attractions
- The Deep – access for all
- Normanby Hall – accessibility
- Hall Farm, Eastoft
- The Pink Pig, Arial Trail
- Far Ings Nature Reserve
- Water’s Edge Visitor Centre
- Elsham Gardens and Country Park
- The Baths Hall and Plowright Theatre
- Hull New Theatre
- KCOM Stadium
- Go Ape – Normanby Hall
What’s On for children and young people’s in North Lincolnshire
For more information about What’s On in North Lincolnshire visit the Children and Young People’s activity guide on the council website. There are lots of activities for children, young people and their families to do in North Lincolnshire that are free and low cost. Use the calendar on the website to discover what’s on for your family over the coming weeks.
If your child has a Special Educational Need or Disability (SEND) there are some activities listed which are specifically aimed at your family. You can find them by clicking on the ‘SEND’ tag. You can also access Short Breaks. These provide an opportunity for a disabled child or young person (0-18 years old) to take part in free fun activities.
However, our aim is to help any child to access the activities they are interested in and remove barriers wherever possible. If your child would like to access one of the activities listed on our guide, but you are not sure if their needs will be met by the activity provider, please call us on 01724 296629 to discuss your needs. We will liaise between you and the activity provider to try and make the activity as accessible as possible for all.
The Family Information Service also has an e-newsletter ‘Family Focus’ with useful information for families – why not sign up?
Eating Out
If eating out can be difficult, then think ahead and book a restaurant in advance. Many restaurants now have a menu for people with special diets. Most chains should be able to provide you with details of the ingredients of their products so you can check they are safe.
When booking, ask about seating, is there a quieter area of the restaurant that you can sit in? What is the lighting and décor like? Is there anything that is likely to trigger a sensory difference.
Accessible Toilets
If you are planning a day out you may need an accessible toilet.
Disabled toilets are helpful, but you may need a Radar Key from the National Key Scheme (NKS). Information about accessible toilets in North Lincolnshire can be found on the Changing Places page.
There are apps available for your smart phone.
Evidence of Disability
Many tourist attractions will need you to provide evidence of a disability and care needs before they will offer concessions. This is particularly true for people on the autism spectrum and those who may have invisible needs. Your GP may be the best person for you to ask to provide you with this evidence. If you receive Disability Living Allowance (DLA), Personal Independence Payment (PIP) or Carers’ Allowance, take a copy of the award letter with you. It may also be useful to have a copy of any letter which states the diagnosis.
Further Information
- North Lincolnshire Changing Places Toilets
- Visit North Lincolnshire
- National Key Scheme (Radar Key)